
The synopsis for INNERSECTION, the latest SURF film from TAYLOR STEELE, gives a good insight to the progression in SURF movies. INNERSECTION on DVD is a certain collectible item or gift that won’t miss the mark. Giving SURF movies to friends is the perfect gift, and SURF films have really come along way and provide considerable value to its owners today. The producers of INNERSECTION and its cast and crew of TAYLOR STEELE have done a great job ensuring that INNERSECTION is a world class SURF film which has done the sponsors proud. INNERSECTION is likely to be in high demand, so check out the INNERSECTION trailer and see for yourself why INNERSECTION will be one of those movies that you will want to have it forever.

Release: 2010
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Size: 865 MB
Length: 79 min



Facu disse...

Massa, parabéns brow. Mandou bem.

Facubr disse...

Ae. Libera um link desse filme em máxima resolução. Valeu.