The Kerrazy Kronicles

The film is filed via country, and ridiculous waves are scored worldwide. From big Hawaii and fun Indo, to pumping Snapper and Todos Santos. All the locations you’d expect to see, captured from fresh angles and set to head nod-inducing beats. Barbados barrels haven’t seen film since Kelly Slater in Campaign 2 and the Soup Bowls footage got the crowd hooting for more. That, and the footage of 16-year-old Kerrzy and his Goldie crew, back when they all rocked homey steeze. Pure hilarity.
The film’s clearly influenced by early …Lost videos, which is a welcome change from everything that’s touched down out lately. Primarily a surf flick should stir a desire to shred, and by the time the credits roll you’ll want to paddle out.
At the conclusion of the film a chorus of “yews” and “aahs” rang out, and shot glasses were clinked. Good, old fashioned fun at a good, old fashioned film premiere.

Release: 2011
Language: English
Subtitles: No
Size: 615 MB
Length: 33 min


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